

Hello! My name is Gabriel Bennett, but I usually go by my screen name "Krennthief" over the internet. I am an aspiring filmmaker, and tatami room is the name of my production label!

I am an avid fan of movies, anime, video games, theatre, and pretty much any medium that exists out there, and I'd like to share with you the things you generally might overlook! Like a lesser-known anime series, or an old film that may have been important to the film industry as we know it!

The name tatami room was inspired by one of my favourite anime series, The Tatami Galaxy, and I decided to name my label that because I could easily make a logo, and it sounded cool!

Please make sure you tell all your friends about my blog if they're interested in film reviews, anime reviews, video game stuff, or even theatre stuff! I'm still starting off, as you can see, so I'll need all the publicity I can get! Plus, I operate completely freely, so there's no need to donate or anything!

...Just please spread the word about my blog!


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